How soon to add fish, NEED info QUICK!


well i had my 29 gallon crash completely and now all i have is 10 gallon thats been set up for about 6 months and i also have the new 29.....
i am going to try and save my corals by putting them in the 10 gallon b/c thats the only established tank i have (we even had to throw out the water in the old one, stunk soooo bad) and i am also going to put one clown in there, this is just temporary just until we clean out the old one and let the water get well established for the corals, and of course i will have my coralife light set on there.
ok now for the NEW one we bought today, i am going to put in the OTHER tomato, damsel, and valentini puffer. i am pretty sure the damsel and clown will be ok, but what about the puffer being put in, with new fresh saltwater mixed TODAY? it will have set about 3 hours, i am really pressed for time/space.
right now i am going to church, i am letting it set and settle until i get back, the corals are in a clean bucket, please any help is appreciated and any suggestions!:help:


i did, but there is NO response :nervous: i thought i'd post in here acuse someone might now how hardy valentini's are...
i added some VERY established reef sand and couple of pounds of live rock and gonna let it set over night, and add them in the morning, any advice?


no need for anything, all three fish are dead

now i have 2 EMPTY 29gallon tanks, where do i start?! how long does it have to cycle before i put fish in?
one 29 gallon is going to be an aggressive with somethings like: dwarf angel, valentini, and dwarf lion. how long do i have to wait to add these fish and which should i add first? i have to start completely over, with nothing in there but new saltwater and about 5lbs of live rock.
the other 29 gallon is going to be the reef with a mated pair of tomato clowns, how long before i can add my corals back to this tank? i am going to ahve to start completely new but i will have roughly 45lbs of live rock in the tank. how long do i have to wait to add my fish?


Active Member
I would get a mated pair of percs instead. You have to let it cycle. To get it going faster, the lr will help, plus live sand and nutraseawater will cut the cycle in half. I would say to get a fuzzy dwarf. Mine is super and yers will do nicely in a 29 with enough lr for it to hide in. They are tough to get to eat frozen food though. Yes yer fish list sounds good. Throw a prizm protein skimmer on, and u should be good to go once yer cycled. BUT... HOW did yer tank crash anyway?



Originally posted by Chandler04
HOW did yer tank crash anyway?

WELL i got extremely was one of those spur of the moment things. see i had been trying to make a pair of clownfish and i accidently bought another female and added to the 29 :nope: well they were fighting so i tried getting them out, but no matter what i could do, i couldnt. so i finally just tore everything apart but when i did.........
i accidently left my heater on and it busted/exploded in my tank and mom didnt want me to use that sand cause it could hurt something in the tank if there was still glass and i was suer ok i dont mind gettin rid of the sand b/c i didnt much like it anywaz.......
well my tank was in pieces all over my room and i needed sand, i called everywhre in my little town and NO sand. so my i asked my dad and he was like i got some sand out back, and it was sand from the pool filter
so i was little shaky about doing it but i did. it had set outside for 3 months in the sun and rain and thought it would be sterilized.....
well it wasnt and once i put it it (it looked SOO good, the perfect color and everything!!!) everything seemed to be fine, but then all my snails died, and i was like i will check it in the morning (it was really late at night) so i woke up to an AWFUL stench Sunday morning and it was EVERYTHING in my tank dead excpet for my tomato clown and like one crab.
so then everyone panicked and was really mom draws it out of porportion. well she wouldnt even go to church b/c of it so when i came home i come to fine ANOTHER 29 gallon sitting in my new bedroom.
well when i emptied the tank to catch the small new fish that was being harassed i put him in the 10 gallon with the puffer and the damsel. but i had all my corals to go, i had NO where to put them b/c we didnt want to use the dirty water and that was the only established water we had so we had to put them in the 10 gallon with my coralife light fixed atop.
well witht he corals in the 10 gallon, we decided to move the puffer, new clown, and damsel into the new tank for right now. it hought they would live cause they were hardy (i know very stupid) it had been a LONG time since i had cycled a tank........
well the 3 fish wound up dying late last night and now i am here.......very sad story and now a lot of clean up to do, i have one stinky tank setting outside on the porch and a cycling tank with blue legs in the room so i think i am goin to post in the new hobbyist forum about cycling and adding fish and junk. well.....
:scared: THE END:scared:


yes it was great of her, now i have 2- 29's, i have ALWAYS wanted a lion but couldnt cause my reef but now i can have an aggressive AND a reef!!
would a Volitan Lionfish be too big for the 29 aggressive? or would i have to stick with the Fuzzy Dwarf Lionfish. i just want the Volitan b/c i heard they are a lot easier. the only other fish in the tank would be a dwarf angel and a valentini puffer.