56K warning! sorry, forgot to put it in the title, if a mod would be kind enough to do that for me, that would be great!
hello everyone. this is going to be a how to make a 70 watt metal halide for around $70, more or less. im going to make this write up as clear as possible, since most of the ones on google are now outdated, the most current being 3-4 months old. this is very simple, and even the most electrically challenged person can pull it off, like myself.
so, i made this around 78 dollars, but it can be around 100 if you use the more expensive ushio bulb.
Disclaimer: I take no responsibility for the actions you decide to take upon trying to make your own DIY Metal Halide. Any damage, loss, or injury caused by this DIY is entirely upon you. Do this at your own risk.
ok, saying that, this is my first time wiring anything up, and i was able to do it without killing myself, so that means its pretty easy.
Equipment Needed:
*Grounded Cord. Extension cord works fine
*Fixture. (Brinks Security Light 300w halogen)
*Electrical Tape OR Wire Caps
*Toggle switch(optional)
*Project Box (optional)
Tools Needed
*Screwdriver (flat and Philips)
*Electrical Screwdriver (optional)
*Drill bits
*Sharp Scissors OR Sharp knife
Ok, on with the pictures and instructions...
here is everything laid out. as you can see, i am using a brinks 300w halogen fixture from walmart. it was only around 10 bucks. you can use any halogen fixture you like though, but it must be 300 or 500 watts. if its not, then the sockets wont work. the ballast is from ballast wise dot com. shippings is a little slow, but its a nice small ballast for only 40 dollars shipped!
here is the E jay bulb, 14k. only 25 shipped, or you can get an ushio for around 60 bucks. i didnt know if this was going to work, so i stuck with the cheaper one, but once its time is over, i'll be getting an ushio. the color is quite nice too.
the toggle switch is from HD, and it was like, 3 or 4 dollars. its completely optional, but i wanted a way to turn the halide on and off without unplugging it. i got the biggest project box from radio shaq since i over estimated the size of the ballast, but i think one step smaller wouldve been enough. its only like 5-6 dollars, so no big deal. and the ballast again...
close blurry picture of the ballast and toggle switch...
ballast in the project box, just to see if it would fit. as you can see, i have plenty of room left over...
e jay metal halide box.
toggle switch installed on the project box. looks good to me.
i used a 1/4 inch drill bit to drill a hole, but it was to small, so i made it bigger by just rotating the drill bit in the hole... or you could just use a 1/2 inch drill bit...maybe. %%
hello everyone. this is going to be a how to make a 70 watt metal halide for around $70, more or less. im going to make this write up as clear as possible, since most of the ones on google are now outdated, the most current being 3-4 months old. this is very simple, and even the most electrically challenged person can pull it off, like myself.
so, i made this around 78 dollars, but it can be around 100 if you use the more expensive ushio bulb.
Disclaimer: I take no responsibility for the actions you decide to take upon trying to make your own DIY Metal Halide. Any damage, loss, or injury caused by this DIY is entirely upon you. Do this at your own risk.
ok, saying that, this is my first time wiring anything up, and i was able to do it without killing myself, so that means its pretty easy.
Equipment Needed:
*Grounded Cord. Extension cord works fine
*Fixture. (Brinks Security Light 300w halogen)
*Electrical Tape OR Wire Caps
*Toggle switch(optional)
*Project Box (optional)
Tools Needed
*Screwdriver (flat and Philips)
*Electrical Screwdriver (optional)
*Drill bits
*Sharp Scissors OR Sharp knife
Ok, on with the pictures and instructions...
here is everything laid out. as you can see, i am using a brinks 300w halogen fixture from walmart. it was only around 10 bucks. you can use any halogen fixture you like though, but it must be 300 or 500 watts. if its not, then the sockets wont work. the ballast is from ballast wise dot com. shippings is a little slow, but its a nice small ballast for only 40 dollars shipped!

here is the E jay bulb, 14k. only 25 shipped, or you can get an ushio for around 60 bucks. i didnt know if this was going to work, so i stuck with the cheaper one, but once its time is over, i'll be getting an ushio. the color is quite nice too.

close blurry picture of the ballast and toggle switch...

ballast in the project box, just to see if it would fit. as you can see, i have plenty of room left over...

e jay metal halide box.

toggle switch installed on the project box. looks good to me.