how to build a refugium


New Member
i have 100gal reeftank and i wanted to add a refugium not sure what i need i have 30gal sump now please help

david s

to build a refugim think of it this way its nothing more than a tank with plants and stuff with a slow water movement draining into your tank or sump. u can use a tupperware container or acrilic tank that u can drill a overflow hole get creative i am sure u can come up with somthin
here is a link to another post has some good links u dont have to go crazy on lighting like some of these guys its nice but regular bulb light is ok for it <a href="" target="_blank"></a>


I made a sump with refugium section (has it's own SLOW flow too!) out of a 30g long tank for my 100g tank.
Check my signature for a me for more help/pics! :cool: