How to build cave for sfe


Active Member
I currently have a 6" sfe in qt and wanted to go about constructing a cave for him that he will be able to fit in when he is full grown. How do I go about doing this?
Also, if people have pictures of their eel caves, I'd love to see them.


Active Member
u dont need a cave really, just setup the rocks in a normal way and he'll make his own caves like mine did.


Active Member
What if I did build one, would he probably use it? because I like the way the rocks are set up right now. Or is he basically going to make things to his liking either way?
Also, is there an easy way to tell males from females?


Active Member
use pvc piping as tunnels and stack the rocks around them this is what i have done for my tess i use 4 in piping for now it has 3 opening one at each end and on center at the top ..this also protects your eel from injuries that can be sustained by sharp rockwork..sorry no pics as of yet on this pc but im sure you get the idea


Active Member
Sweet, thanks for the pics. I'll look into getting some PVC pipes. Is their main function to protect them from getting squished if the rocks tumble?


Active Member
I hadn't heard anything different and it may be that you don't but I'm sure it's not hurting him and better safe than sorry.
I have heard that eels, although it is highly unlikely that they will get ich, can introduce it to a system.
He's been in there a week and if he appears fine next week I figure I'll move him into the main tank.