how to capture a Damsel


i just added 2 new fishes to my tank and my damsels ( i have 2) wont leave them alone ....
Please help me!!!


Active Member
ive never had a problem catching one of my fish with a net but then again i never tried to catch when i had live rock in there. but i believe you can buy a fish trap from this site.


Active Member
pretty common and easy way is to cut a few inches off a clean 2liter soda bottle. bait it with food (sometimes you'll have to starve them a couple days). take the bottleneck you cut off and invert it, safe-glue it back on and the fish will usually get stuck inside. depending on the size of your fish you may have to cut off the screw top area shorter to let them get in. :joy:


Originally Posted by maeistero
pretty common and easy way is to cut a few inches off a clean 2liter soda bottle. bait it with food (sometimes you'll have to starve them a couple days). take the bottleneck you cut off and invert it, safe-glue it back on and the fish will usually get stuck inside. depending on the size of your fish you may have to cut off the screw top area shorter to let them get in. :joy:
Thats a great ideal...


I have the same problem. I added a purpleback pseudochromis and my 4 stripe won't leave it alone. It chases it with intent to kill. My plan was to use a divider to section off the 4 stripe in a part of the tank w/ no LR. Then use the net to get him. Hope it works!
Good idea with the soda bottle...I may have to try that if plan A doesn't work.
How long does it take for them to go into the bottle?