How to catch a Damsel....


New Member
Hi everyone!
I need some advice on how to catch a pesky ol' damsel.....I need to get him into my new 125 gallon tank to help cycle it since he did such a great job on my 46 gallon bow front, but the little bugger is IMPOSSIBLE to catch! I don't want to take any of my live rock out because that would disturb the rest of the clan....any advice!!!!
Steph :help:


New Member
We know we can cycle it without "jump" starting it with fish, but we want to get the damsel out of the 46 gallon anyways :happyfish He is a meany to our clowns.....always chasing them around....even tries to bully our 6" Blue Hippo Tang; a very gutsy little guy!


Active Member
Schooling fish should be kept in odd numbered groups, otherwise they may be aggressive.
i had the same problem tring to catch a damsel. what i did was got a piece of food and put it in the net and sat there until the damsel wondered in there but your other fish might try to grab the food so not the most successful but its worth a try. Patience is a virtue.


Active Member
Originally Posted by StephDietrich
Hi everyone!
I need some advice on how to catch a pesky ol' damsel.....I need to get him into my new 125 gallon tank to help cycle it since he did such a great job on my 46 gallon bow front, but the little bugger is IMPOSSIBLE to catch! I don't want to take any of my live rock out because that would disturb the rest of the clan....any advice!!!!
Steph :help:

If he is a food pig, hold off on feeding until he is way hungry, put food on surface and nail him with a net. :notsure:


Originally Posted by grumpygils
If he is a food pig, hold off on feeding until he is way hungry, put food on surface and nail him with a net. :notsure: