
I have a small yellow tang with a slight ich problem, he is eating WELL and I don't think quarentine is needed at this time. I think I will try supplimenting with the garlic. BUT, if I do need to get him out, How???? look at my live rock and size of tank, only one millon places for him to hide. I don't have enough tank to move stuff around much. <img src="graemlins//confused.gif" border="0" alt="[confused]" />


Active Member
It's not one the easiest things to do. Try this first: with net in one hand ready to go (above the water), feed the fish, it'll come out and to the top of the water to eat (since you say its eating good) and try to catch then. Its hard because once they know about the net they swim like crazy behind everything. Just be patient, give up a few times and come back to it if you have to. ;)


Active Member
A better way is to get a fish trap. I bought one for around 30 bucks and it has more than paid for itself just due to the fact that I do not have to tear apart the tank to catch a fish. Put food in it, he will come! When not using it, other hobbiests in your area can borrow or rent it. They too will love you.
Good Luck

p fish

I caught mine the first thing in the morning, turned the light on and got him before he focused

reef aquaria

New Member
Our LFS rents fish traps, $3 a week. If you don't want to buy one, ask your LFS if they rent them. You can also make one using a child's terrarium. We made one, but it doesn't work for the larger fish like tangs.


Sorry to say, but if your tang has ick, the other fish could very well be coming down with it also. So I would go ahead and take out all the fish for 30 days to get rid of the ick for good. :D


if you want to catch him with a net i have a good way. About 2 weeks ago i started feeding live brine to my fish. I use the net to put the brine in the tank. 2days after i started feeding i almost killed my bar goby. It must have jumped in the net to get the brine. Now it is ok. All my fish love the net and some go inside it to get the first bites of brine. So you can try that if you want to catch a fish with a net.