How To Clean Filter And When


I have a Fluval 302 filter that has been running for about five weeks. I also have a seaclone protean skimmer. I have a thirty gallon, two damsels, one clown, 7 lbs of Live rock, and I stated with live sand.
My tank has recently finished it's cycle. My Amonia is starting to head up (.25). I think this is because I have a bunch of dead frozen Brin Shimp on the sand.
I am going to do my first water change and will siphon the dead shrimp out. Should I clean my filter media also? I am assume not change it, but should I rinse it with some new salt water? How clean should I make it? It is still pumping ok.
I get a lot of stuff from the protean skimmer every day. I am also planning on getting some crabs to hlep clean.


Try to do not overfeed the fish, I was doind the same thing and the NH4 went sky high. About the 304 canister, what you can do is to clean or to change the carbon, but do not anything to the ceramic rings, they keep the bacteria needed in the tank.


What about the sponge type media? Clean that well?
I feed about to squares of frozen Brine shrimp twice per day.


Active Member
Yes, sponge material should be cleaned as well. Just try not disturb your bacterial base. Best way to clean is to just rinse in water removed for water change.
BTW, you might want to look into your feeding schedule/amount. Two cubes twice a day for 3 fish might be a little high. That extra food, eatin or not, will really press on your bioload.
Good Luck!


Don't vacuum the brine shrimp off the sand, you will do more harm than good, just make sure you keep your skimmer cleaned and cranked to get the gunk out. I agree with the previous posts, get some more LR, make sure you have 4 inches of sand, and think about getting rid of the fluval, you don't need it and may actually do more harm than good if you don't clean it religiously. Good luck!