How to clean sand. And a few other Q's


I took out all of my rock today so i can bleach it clean and get rid of all the hair algea on it. Now however I have a good amount of crap from the rock work on the aquarium floow and in the sand bed. Whats the best way to clean this out. Siphon? Will it go away on its own? Also wil it hurt the fish if I turn off the light for a few days in order to kill more algea? Is this an effective way of killing it?
JacknJill said it would be ok I just want to make sure.


Active Member
i once bleached a fw tank needless to say my fish didnt swim like this anymore :happyfish
i hope your kidding and if your not i hope you didnt put that rock back in the tank
get some dam blennies or cleaner shrimp to clean you rocks
lol not bleach


A couple of mexican turbos snails will do you fine. I had a friend that did get away with bleaching dead coral, but he also had plenty of live rock to keep the fish happy.