How To Clean The Wild Algae


New Member
Hello everyone,
I am wondering why my salt water fish aquarium is never looks as clean as the following picture?

The tools I’ve already owned and used for my aquarium is an external protein skimmer and an external canister filter.
I was thinking of wild algae that grow in the glass surface and I am not really sure how to handle it.
My aquarium size is 70 * 30 * 30 cm.
What more treatment I should use so that my aquarium looks very clean such as above picture?
Thank you very much in advance

shrimpy brains

Don't know what type set up you have. As far as the pic is concerned, very minimal set up in my opinion. see no corals, minimal live rock and the plants look fake. Perhaps the lighting is minimal also, and therefore does not prompt alot of algae growth.
If you have a fish only tank, you can just use flourescents, pcs or whatever with a smaller amount of base rock and your algae growth will be less. If you hav a reef tank, you need better lighting and you want algae growth. The only way to keep the glass pretty is to clean it constantly. Get a mag float and clean it daily for best results and for corraline algae, you'll need a scraper of some sort. If your water is cloudy, you can run some carbon in your cannnister.
Good luck!!