How to control the amphipods population


Hi Everyone,
My display tank has high amphipods population
. At night whenever i put on my flash light i see these critters all over the place, is there any fish or shrimp that will keep their population in check?


depending how big a tank you have mandarins are a awsome fish but they will eradicate all the pods in a short time and then starve in a small tank
55 gal with lots of live rock is about right


Have the same problem, so I just got a mandarin dragonet. I read that they eat them and the mandarin looks cool too.


i got 90 gallon tank and i bought mandarin dragonet two days ago but i dont think he is eating the pods...please help


Active Member
but a harm can occur by adding a mandarin to take care of a short term pod population increase...if you cant longterm take care of the mandarin, you're sentensing it to death. a 55 gallon is a tad small IMO. especially since they don't eat amphipods, just copepods
you would be better off to add a 6line or something.


thanks for the advices, i guess i will return the mandarin and get 6 line wrasses or something. Would amphipods harm soft corals? mushroom or polyps?


Active Member
pods are good for your tank. you should not look at them as pests. they are a great cleanup crew and a great food source for the tank.
copepods and amphipods will not harm corals.


thats great thanks for the tips. Everytime i clean my filter some of them half of half size of a penny. Plus my tank is over populated by the snails that grow out of rocks, it look like shape of a cone and it release little web. So consider my tank is in good shape?


I've never heard of anyone complaining about pod population. Scoop some out and pass along to friends. The population will regulate themselves out over time. You could try adding a nocturnal predator if you really want to control them. I wish I had your problems.


If you have an attached refuge with a high pod population you can keep a dragonet in almost any size a tank much easier. Having lots of LR in a pile for a 'pod farm' also helps. People have kept dragonets in the larger nano cubes for extended periods of time. But, it is still a difficult task even if you can get them to start eating enriched frozen foods and/or mysis.