How to direct the food to the fish


New Member
I recently purchased 2 snowflake moray eels, and they seem responsive when i put the forzen krill in the tank, yet they haven't taken a bite out of any of it. I'm wondering if it's because they can't find it....(I'm just letting it go in the water column) Should i somehow direct it towards there face, and than just slightly wave it around? Wouldn't that scare them away though?


Just get a pack of wooden skewers at the store,

the krill and then wave it in front of the eel. When it is ready to eat, it will attack it.:D


eels have poor eye sight but an excelent sense of smell so i agree put it on some kind of feeding stick that is what i do with mine i doubt he would find it if i just dropped in some krill


I have to hand feed my SFE I use a feeding stick. Just wave the food in front of him and watch him tear it off the stick. Very cool to watch:) :)


Active Member
I use feeding tongs for all my eels (actually, BBQ tongs I got at Walmart). Eels don't see well, so getting that food right in front of their mouths is the best way to make sure they will eat---and that the food won't lay around and rot in your tank.