how to evaporate water??


ok suppose someone
were to spill water under the glass that goes over thier would be able to evaporate that water out from under there?


yea ill try those ideas.the tank is on my desk so i cant get it off. i really want to move my tank to a stand but i dont know how since i got coral a clownfish and about 13 pounds of rock in there.i was thinking of lowering the water level enough so that everything is slight underwater and then picking it up and putting it on a stand????any suggestions


just make sure you have help, and that they can actually listen to what you're saying and keep the tank semi-level.
my roomie and i had to move my 5 gal tank, i moved it to the floor across the room, spilled lots of water, and she helped me get it back up on top of my desk (it has a shelf on it, so the tank is about 4 1/2 ft off the ground.). that was fun...