How to Expand My Cleanup Crew


Hi Folks,
I have a 6 gallon Nano with the following cleanup crew:
3 Astraea Snails
3 Scarlet Reef Hermit Crab
1 Bumble Bee Snail
5 Margarita Snails
1 Super Tongan Nassarius Snail
Is there anyway to expand or diversify this group?
What kind of shrimp would you recommend?
Whatever I add needs to be compatible with corals.
Thank You


Active Member
do u have extra shells for your scarlets? cuz mine just killed my snail and took its shell yesterday... pretty sweet... but i was still mad due to losing a valued member of my tank... but now my hermit looks really cool with a white shell. (i have a ten)


well i would get a turbo but. after the normal algae blooms that most tanks get. return it. keep only Margarita Snails. the display nano at my lfs has only Margaritas. its awsome it has all kinds of macros in it. but small bunches of it not out of hand cause they keep one electric blue hermit. dont keep any emeralds or anything like that just filter feeders Margaritas and one cool hermit. maybe a halloween or a electric blue or orange. its a very cool affect. and there are alot of brittle stars and serpent that just lived in the live rock but now are thriving on the out side very lifefulll


Are emerald crabs reef safe? I dont have any clean up crew, except for..these weird looking snails that have soft shellls (not nudis) that were hitchikers. Maybe thats why I have a lot of green algae. Should I not get any emerald crabs?


Active Member
i suggest turbos ... i just bought two more today (since my hermit ate my only one) and they've already done wonders.... and i only have two! most people buy many... but i think they are kinda big and dont want them takin over my tank