How to feed anenomes

keith gray

I just bought a yellow seabae anenome and 2 small percula clowns. My LFS said to periodically feed the anenome brine shrimp, but other than that they would just eat from the water particles. Does this sound right ? What else can I feed them, how, and how often.
I think the anenome is beautiful.
When it is open 100% it is awessome, but sometimes he shrinks to the size of a quarter(at bite usually). Why does he do that ?
Silversides once a week. Get a big stick and put th3e silversides in his tentacles. I forget what those big stick/grippers are called where you can put the silverside in it and it will hold it like a clamp till you get it into the anemones tentacles then release it.
I use to feed a BTA every other day with 1 silverside, he got huge and died 2 years later with a power outage :(


yeah, a frozen fish. Look like bait fish. Thats what I use. I feed a half, twice a week. IMO, you dont need those tong things though, just use your hand.


Great Advice here....
Silversides are VERY Healhty for Meat Eating fish and Marine inverts in general. The vast majority of LFS's IME carry Frozen Silversides in their Frozen section.
FYI....DT's Plakton is also awesome for Anenome IME.