How to feed fish seaweed select


I've been putting seaweed select on my clip now for a couple months. I just put my hand in the tank. The problem is, over time, my false perc has been "getting a little too cozy" with my hand. The past 2 times I put my hand in the tank and he bit me. It doesn't hurt, but when he gets bigger it might??? Has this ever happened to anyone else? How does everyone else put their seaweed on clips?:help: PS THIS ISN'T A JOKE!!


I dont know about the ? about the false perc but I dont put the seaweed on a clip. Only because my naso tang eats it ALL before anyone else can get at it! Piggy,piggy,piggy! Good luck.


Active Member

Originally posted by goldenboy
How does everyone else put their seaweed on clips?:help:

There are two easy ways. I use a clip identical to the one pictured. You can buy it from any LFS or on-line.
An alternative is to secure the algae sheet on a rock with some rubber bands and drop it in the tank.
Both of these have the advantage of letting the fish graze for a while.


my porcupine puffer just bit me this morning. he was going crazy like he usually does when i feed him, and after he ate, i was putting the seaweed in the clip for the tangs, and he tried to take a nice little chunk out of my arm. I have a little circular red mark on my arm now in the shape of his teeth. I guess he was trying to tell me he was still hungry.


Active Member
I picked up this little tip from one of the sharks a while back. I use my magnetic glass cleaner to secure the seaweed with.


I use a piece of pvc pipe.Attach the seaweed with rubber band and your hands never touch the water.


I use a piece of pvc pipe.Attach the seaweed with rubber band and your hands never touch the water.
I'm going to try this. I like the idea of my hands not having to get wet, or bit...Thanks for the input everyone!!!