How to feed??????


I am wanting to start feeding my yellow tang some form of seaweed or another supplemental food. I would also like to give my lawnmower blenny something added to eat. How and what should I feed them. Do I need one of those clips to hold the food in place or should I wedge it between some rocks. What is the best type of food and method? I am going to buy the food tomorrow so advice is needed quickly. Also what would be best to feed a small common clown??? :confused:


Active Member
Go to an oriental stor and get some NOI.. i think thats how you spell it.. The get some ZOE from your lfs soak a small piece in it and than put it on a clip in your tank.. Your tang will love it!


Active Member
the clowns are omnivores, they will eat some algae and brine shrimp, and some flake foods, i also heard they like blood worms too