how to figure bio-load


I had thought about this, but just read another thread and hit me...
I have read I shouldnt go over 12" of fish in my 55g because of the load... but how do I figure in the cleaning crew. Right now I have a box puffer, a clown, blue damsel, lawnmower blennie, and a jawfish.
on the invert side right now I have a pencil urchin, a chol. chip star, a brittle star, 6 very very small hermits, 3 turbo snails, and one emerald crab.
How do I figure out if I can add cleaners or not


Active Member
cleaners dont count towards bio-load. What kind of cleaners are you wanting to add. ?? are you having a problem with algea


I only got the bio-load thing from another site...
The only thing I was looking to add for was to clean up after fish and any left over food.


Active Member
You definately can add pretty much what ever clean up crew you would like. Just remember, that they like to eat too. In other words, if the tank is not wasting any of its food, you do need to feed them. I like the sinking pellets--shrimp pellets, crab and shrimp cuisine. Just don't overdo the pellets....thus bio load(pollution). Feed only what they can eat. Your largest bioload right now is the box puffer. Do you have a large or should I say good skimmer? This will help tremendously.


you are actually limited on what you can use as a cleanup crew, because of the puffer. hermits and snails should, however, be okay.


I have a seaclone skimmer, and it seems to work pretty well... I get alot of gunk out with it, or at least I think I am getting what I should with it.