How to Frag?


I got some yellow polyps and I want to frag them. I have a couple of questions:
- What kind of tools/materials do I use?
- When I frag the coral, do I do it in the tank or out of?
- If I glue it onto another piece of LR, what kind of glue do I use, wouldn't superglue release toxins in the tank?
- Do you frag every kind of coral the same way?
- How long does it take for them to attach to the new rock?


I would lay a rock next to the yellow pollops and let them attach i would not cut and glue.Not all corals frag the same some you cut and tie to rock some you super glue and super glue doesn't hurt the tank it hardens instantly when hits the water.Some you could break and glue or use puddy epoxy.You may need to experiment and see what will work best for the type of coral you are fragging.I like to lay rock next to softies and let attach then cut or cut then rubber band to rock. Stonies break and super glu or epoxy putty.


Originally Posted by jjlittle
I would lay a rock next to the yellow pollops and let them attach i would not cut and glue.Not all corals frag the same some you cut and tie to rock some you super glue and super glue doesn't hurt the tank it hardens instantly when hits the water.Some you could break and glue or use puddy epoxy.You may need to experiment and see what will work best for the type of coral you are fragging.I like to lay rock next to softies and let attach then cut or cut then rubber band to rock. Stonies break and super glu or epoxy putty.
would you glue or cut/tie yellow polyps????????


Active Member
A) I think the suggestion was to place another rock nearby and let them spread onto it on thier own.
b) Superglue is chemically harmless. I've heard it was actually devloped as a replacement for stitches in surgery.


The story I always heard was that super glue was developed during one of our wars. It was used to glue together wounds to keep out infection until the person could be taken to a doctor. Tons of stuff we use today wase developed during wars. Like rubbermaid!


I would lay rock close so they could get on it naturally but if you want to try cut low as possible and glue to new rock etc and see how it does.I would try a couple and see it they do ok sometimes they are hard to glue if they are real slimmy.


Active Member
You have to let the yellow polyps spread on their own. Removing them from the rock will kill them. Your best bet is busting up the frag they are on into smaller frags.


Originally Posted by mudplayerx
You have to let the yellow polyps spread on their own. Removing them from the rock will kill them. Your best bet is busting up the frag they are on into smaller frags.
what would i use to "bust" em?