How to get a Deep Sand Bed right?


when i first came here most were saying to get a DSB. So now i have 5-7" of sand in my tank. Now i am hearing that they are only good if you set them up right. How do i do that?


If you ask 100 people you will get 100 differant answers! Keep in mind there are other ways to do a sand bed! Some prefer a plenium, some do not!
You can do a google and find some ideas for DSB, I personally have a 3-4 in sand bed in my 60, I like the look and after a year + it is well established!


Active Member
Brisk current to keep detritus suspended.
No sand "sifting" critters to sterilize your sand
Plenty of microfauna (worms and such)


My sandbed is 6" to 8". When I set mine up I went to the LFS and bought a bag of "bugs". It was $5 and contained various worms and such...although there was only about 6-8 different worms in the initial bag, there is probably around 30 or more in my tank now. Seems to be working great. Sorry, I don't know exactly which worms, but I think it was spagetti worms, etc.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Beatlesfan
ok the first two things are taken care of. but how do i keep the micro fauna up?
My first choice is to order true "live" sand. The sand they sell here is awesome.
You can also google search for places that sell specific species, but nothing beats sand straight from a reef.


Well i used dry sand for my tank and really have absolutly no more room to put sand or my wave2k will start sucking sand. However i am adding 50lbs of live rock to my already 165-180lbs of BR already in there.