How to get a polyp to stay on a rock?


New Member
i have a small piece of a polyp, about 1", that will not stay on the rock when i place it on there, ive heard you could put a small amount of super glue on the bottom and glue it on, but i was just wondering the best way to get it to stay on the rock, thanks.


Superglue hasn't worked so well with small softies for me, they slime it off before I get it into the tank. Can you rubberband it in place?? Or wedge it between 2 rocks??
Or better yet, rubberband it to a small rock then super glue that piece wherever you want it...


Active Member
I don't think you are suppose to put the superglue right onto the animal. If the polyp is attached to a pebble then put the glue on it. Putting the glue right on the animal might cause some distress.