How to get damsels out of the tank?


Thank you everyone for all the replies. Im such a newbie, but except for the fact that my kids raided the tank and grabbed the snails..eveything looks ok so far!
2 questions if I on earth do I get the damsels out now that Ive cycled? Ive tried the way!
Also..I bought a cleanup crew..I had lots of diatoms and some green algae, and I do say HAD. What do I do now that theyve eaten it all..will they die off? Can I add extra algae food? I had NO idea they were so efficient!
If the tank survives the kids, I think I'm good to go.
Thanks again!


Excellent advice..thanks! Theyre so scared of the net now, I dont know if theyll ever get near it though. I have tried removing the rock, etc..they squeeze behind the filters and power heads..I just gave up! It stresses the other fish so badly too. I'll let everyone settle a bit and see how they survived yesterdays attempt. I had my rock and stuff so pretty and now its a
Im anxious to get the lights on to see if everyone made it through the night after my last attempt.
I even do my water testing with the tank lights off so as not to stress anyone, so foraging for damsels was a big deal to them.


New Member
One of the best responses i've ever read on this BB concerning how to get damsels out of a tank was to get a Lionfish or eel. But seriously, try to corner them into a clear container by edging them in w/ a net. :p


Ahhh the old how can I get the damn (excuse the french) damsels out of the tank question. I've been through this multiple times. First do not get me wrong but damsels are not terrible fish but they also are not the best community fish (except for the yellow-tail).
The best way is to take out all the decorations, etc. but this is not practical in many situations. I found that you need to leave the net in the tank for a few days. Then you feed them near the net. Next put some food (like frozen brine in the net. They always go for it. Then you scoop them out. The trick is that you only get one chance at it because they will not fall for it again!
Good luck, I feel your pain.... ;)