How to get freeze dried krill to sink?


Active Member
I have a big bottle but can't feed it to my fish because none of them eat from the top of the tank, they wait till it comes down to them :rolleyes: so it just stays floating at the top, any ideas? Tried soaking it in garlic extreme hoping it would get water logged and sink, but it doesn't, any suggestions?


Active Member
get a shish kabad skewer and pick it through. Then send it the the bottom with the skewer. Or any type of feeding stick will do.


Active Member
I take some tank water and put it in a shot glass that I only use for the tank. I then let the krill soak with some garlic additive and the tank water and it has no problem sinking. I do this with flake too.


Active Member
realy? i tried it with flake once and it kinda disintigrated and then blew around before my fish could eat it. Ill have to get some more flakes and try.


Originally Posted by KDFrosty
I take some tank water and put it in a shot glass that I only use for the tank.

You don't want to get your drinking shot glass mixed with the tank shot glass -- I thought it was cute that you mentioned, "that I only use for the tank!"

Puffer, have you thought about mixing it with the frozen foods and garlic?
then also using turkey baster and see if that would keep it down?
Just a thought


Active Member
Originally Posted by keonia
You don't want to get your drinking shot glass mixed with the tank shot glass -- I thought it was cute that you mentioned, "that I only use for the tank!"

Nope, no vodka for my Goby or Blenny. I'm not that nice!


Active Member
hum.. y dont your fish eat from the top of the tank?? and i know fish arnt thet smart but they do know what food is and how to eat it... everytime i walk by my tank or even put something on top of the tank covers, the fish just come swimming out to try to eat it.. the just and hi tthere wee-little heads on the cover sometimes but im shure it dont hurt that much.. i feed my fish frozen prawn right out of my hand.. i just hold 1 prawn between my pointer and thumb.. and hol dit under the water surface about 1'' and the come swimming out to eat right out of my fingers... although i do have to watch fot the tusk.. his bit kinda hurts... darn them teeth..


Active Member
For some reason they don't come to the top to feed at all, only have a bottom dweller , 2 cromis and and a coral beauty, and when food sits at the top they won't come up for it :confused: It floats for awhile and then I remove it so it doesn't foul the water. I did try mixing it with frozen food (make my own mostly, and all the food comes down but the krill sits at the top. Maybe i need to soak it longer, or just forget the krill.


HI! I feed dry krill often and I find if I just get it wet from the tank water and poke it with my finger while grinding it up in smaller pieces it goes down inside the tank....I can't let stuff float on top either for my skimmer picks it up too fast! Same with flake food.....poke it down beneath the surface just a bit and it falls.... :D


Active Member
As mentioned previously, soak the krill in a container with water from tank for 5 minutes and stir it vigorously with your finger. Then just pour the entire contents of the container in the tank. The krill should sink. HTH


I soak it in a little tank water with some Zoe and Crushed Garlic for like 10 min...and if its still floating, I use my stick and poke it till all the air is out and it goes right down! the fish love it too....


Originally Posted by KDFrosty
I take some tank water and put it in a shot glass that I only use for the tank. I then let the krill soak with some garlic additive and the tank water and it has no problem sinking. I do this with flake too.
thats funny. i also put my food in a shotglass
.i fill it up about half way with my tank water,add the krill,add 2 drops of garlic then let soak for about 5 minutes.. i then take take the back of a pen and pound away till its in all kinds of sizes :yes: . i then add it to my tank and my spray bar shoots it to the bottom.the fish go crazy!!!!!!!!!! :jumping: :joy:



Active Member
Well I cut it up in tiny pieces cause all my fish is on the small side except my coral beauty and she won't eat large pieces of anything that doesn't fit completely in her mouth :rolleyes: and soaked for for 30 mins, it all went down! The fish loved it, thanks!