How to get moderator/admin attention?


For some reason my old screen name has been deactivated. The server will not allow me to post, and the system provides several potential reasons for it - but offers no solutions to fix the problem.
To whom should I write to get the problem fixed? Or do folks just make up a new name and start over again (as I just did)? :help:

nm reef

Active Member
As you read this response glance slightly to your left....there you'll see a bluish box with "contact" in it...that is a link to resources that will put you in contact with the owners of this site and you can inform them of your problem.


Thanks. I feel silly. I thought I had tried all the obvious things but, now that I think about it, maybe that was under my deactivated name - which made it impossible to use most of the links.
The only link on that button is to "fish@saltwater...", so I assume it's going to the order department. Hopefully somebody there will know where to forward my e-mail to the site Administrator.


Originally Posted by Spanky
Or do folks just make up a new name and start over again (as I just did)? :help:
That's what I had to do.