How to get them to breed


I got two cinnamion clownfish from a friend who said they had been breeding every month and i have had them for about 3 months in the same 20gal and and they havnt breed yet. I was wondering if there was a way to induce breeding.


Active Member
Originally Posted by fatcats
I was wondering if there was a way to induce breeding.
I'd go with a bottle of red wine and some Lionel Ritchie music. Works for me every time.

Sorry... couldn't resist.


Active Member
Buy Clownfishes by Joyce Wilkerson. They sell it here at Helped me a lot, but I chickened out of it. Too much work.


Active Member
Originally Posted by crimzy
I'd go with a bottle of red wine and some Lionel Ritchie music. Works for me every time.

Sorry... couldn't resist.

you scared him/her away!


Active Member
Many things can stop them from spawning for up to several months . A move , any changes in the tank , not having same light cycles every day . Do you have your lights on a timer ? If not do so . Extending the daily light cycle is supposed to help get them in the mood . Feeding them live foods and feeding the same time every day is another trick . Increase temp to 80*F if not already , slowly lowering S.G to 1.017 , moon light , adding a good amount of baby brine shrimp for 3 days to simulate a plankton bloom[not too much , keep an eye on ammonia when doing this] , increase water flow , and adding some potassium permanganate to increase redox are some tips Joyce Wilkerson recommends .