how to keep anomone from moving


Active Member
I have:
30 + lbs of live rock
super skimmer
fluval 304 canister filter
sand with a little crushed coral on top for a bed (mostly sand and chipped shells)
I have a sebea anomone that hosts a gold strip maroon clown. I have a 175watt MH and two 65watt PC for a total of 305watts on my 29 gallon. Should be more than enough light.
But my anomone won't attach good and the clownfish or water current keeps flipping it over, I have tried to move it and everyday I replace it onto its foot.


Active Member
Originally Posted by KrazeKajin
I have:
30 + lbs of live rock
super skimmer
fluval 304 canister filter
sand with a little crushed coral on top for a bed (mostly sand and chipped shells)
I have a sebea anomone that hosts a gold strip maroon clown. I have a 175watt MH and two 65watt PC for a total of 305watts on my 29 gallon. Should be more than enough light.
But my anomone won't attach good and the clownfish or water current keeps flipping it over, I have tried to move it and everyday I replace it onto its foot.
Box in a canyon with small LR


You will not decide where it stays, it will decide what part of your tank if any that it will plant it's foot to and stay. Its not even going to care if you try to box it in or not, it's going to do what it wants to. There are many reasons why it could be moving, just let it roam. Now if its not attaching at all and just flipping over then there could be something else wrong.
Let me guess,....its white isn't it?


Active Member
I know that it was very white when I got it. Now it is starting to turn brown. It has been a pretty happy anemone. The MH helped alot. I just don't like it on its back.


I got one that likes to attach itself to the back glass in my setup. He wants nothing to do with the rock...


Active Member
I don't think Sabae are a host type of anemone. I'm guilty of putting one in with my pair of maroon clowns as well and got lucky the two fish were so persistant. That same anemone did eat one of my other fish one night, but since then has been held in check by big mamma(female GSMclown). I wouldn't have even tried this if it wasn't for the two clowns going on a rampage after my first anemone died from what I believe to be a chemical burn. Good luck with the Sabae they are very pretty IMO.


Active Member
I had went to my LFS and asked them to put clowns in to tanks with anomones and then I would be back in two or three days to get clownfish who had bonded with anemones. So, I did not force anything. The maroon clown was completely bonded with the sebea . Thus they have been together ever since. The anemone has now been settle for about four days.


Originally Posted by Mr_Bill
I don't think Sabae are a host type of anemone.
Sure it is, but it tends not to host with but a few species of clown fish.