How to keep sand clean!


New Member
Recently, my sand has gotten very dirty. I don't know if it's some sort of algae but theres a thin covering over it and the sand looks very brown. Is there any way to keep it clean!?


Originally Posted by badunn19
Recently, my sand has gotten very dirty. I don't know if it's some sort of algae but theres a thin covering over it and the sand looks very brown. Is there any way to keep it clean!?
if you don.t have a problem then higher flow over it will clean it. I have been playing with flow for a year now and nothing keeps it as clean as flow.
and a good vac every other week.
Good Luck


Originally Posted by badunn19
Recently, my sand has gotten very dirty. I don't know if it's some sort of algae but theres a thin covering over it and the sand looks very brown. Is there any way to keep it clean!?
get a fish or snail that keeps it clean
goby, snail, jawfish,etc.


Active Member
nassarous snails and a sand conch. thats waht i use in my 30 gallon. they keep the sand pretty clean.


Active Member
This guy has 5 most likely it is a new tank...brown algae on sand..... = diatoms... They will go away in time.