How to keep tank clean without a CUC?


Just curious how everyone does it.
I just inherited a 75g back from a family member. I got a Lunare Wrasse with it. I added a clean up crew and the Wrasse immediately started tying to eat the hermits.
How then do i keep a clean tank without a CUC? I do not think i should just keep sacrificing then to the Wrasse and am wondering how others with aggressive fish are doing it. If i have to I will remove the Wrasse and give it to someone in my area.
Thanks for the info.

small triggers

Active Member
turkey baster, long tongs and a good glass magnet + your 2 hands= great clean up crew. I use a turkey baster every few days to get all the junk off the rocks, then i stir the sand with the long tongs (as to not get bit) and use the magnet to clean the glass each day,,,


try adding snails, maybe the wrasse won't bother with them.
i like giant turbo snails, Cerith snails, and Asterea snails,