I just set mine to handle keeping the Alk where it needs to be and the Ca follows, as long as you are 380 or better you are fine. I would either turn the reactor off(just shut off the CO2 for a couple of days) or increase the drip count coming from the effluent line, since you are already pretty high in alk, I would probably just turn it off for now, and let the Alk drop naturally. My alk is solid at 9.3 DKH, as long as Ca is above 390 I don't worry about it.
When you start it back up, two things could help(just do one of them at a time though, so you don't get too far out of whack), either like I said increasing the drip rate(keeping all other adjustments the same as they were), or keeping the drip the same and adding more or less CO2 to get your desired results. I use a controller, so I don't really rely on bubble count, sorry can't give you a number if that is how you are controlling it. Good luck, with some tweaking you should be able to dial it in and get a feel for what adjustments are doing what.