How to make a web page


Active Member
OK, so on Thursday I lost my job. I kight as well use this time to learn some new skills. The first one I would like to learn is how to make my own web page. I am somewhat computer literate, but not an expert. I have a couple of questions. Does anyone know of a free, or at least cheap, website host? Does anyone know of a website that tells about building a website? What program would you recommend for making a web page? I have photoshop 6 and microsoft publisher, but I have not really used them much.
Any advice or guidance would be appreciated. I have the time, so I want to make a good site.


A lot of ISP's offer a minimal amount of space for personal web pages. If yours does, it may have the tools & might give you an idea of how it's done. If you need a host, do an internet search on "website hosting". For anywhere from free (major banner problems) to $5 or $10 per month you're good to go. Look for one which offers web building tools but will let you use your own software also, like Front Page.
Sorry to hear you lost your job! Hope it's very temporary.


ok from my own experience and use i HIGHLY recommend powweb. 9just put a www infront and a .com after it.)
Basically $7.77 a month plus a 15.00 a year fee for your .com registration and you are off. I currently have 3 different website addresses from there and have gotten many others to get theirs as well.
check out their main page and you will see what you gtet for that much...LOTS!
As for the program for making pages, I used to use FrontPage but have since switched to DreamWeaver MX. It is SOOO easy to learn and use. Mostly clip and paste and you can watch the html being created as you work if you wish.
A bit of a learning curve of course but nothing too intense.
Hope this helps and good luck!


Active Member
scotts - there are a ton of good basic books out their on java and HTML - I would recommend piucking them up form the Public Library and goign from there!
Bummer on the job!! I hope you find something new soon!


Active Member
Thanks for your help. NW I like your site. That is what I am trying to make, a good looking site that does not look like it was made by an amatuer. One thing that I know about myself is that I know what I know, and I know what I don't know. So I cannot e-mail you with questions because I am just starting out. I know that I need to find a program to use to make the web page, then find an inexpesive hosting site to host the web page. I am also kind of contemplating going into the consulting business, so I might want to make a website if I do this. Being somewhat of a geek, if your company did not have a website, I probably would not do business with you.
Along with this I realize that the more that I learn about making a website and also about computers, the more I will bring to any future employer.
OA. The idea of going to the library is a good one. I think that I will go today and get some books. Of course I will not hold that fact that you are a Browns fan against you. I was born in Pittsburgh and am a die hard Steeler fan, even through the Bubby Brister years. I am almost over that fact that Neil O'Donnell threw away the last super bowl they were in. Yancy Thigpen was running an up pattern and you threw an out pass.......Oh well what might have been. One for the thumb......


Active Member
hi scotts,
I am currently building my own website ( a new one ), and I am going to pay £2.50 ($4 or so) a month for 100mb hosting. I pay £8.99 ($14 or so) for my address ( and that is for a year.
Mail me ( if you would like the address :)


Hey dude - you wanna help me with my web site project?Tack one - free web space.
You probably get some web space with your ISP - I got 25 Meg from mine. So that's 'free'. They probably throw in some web page editing stuff to. Enough to get the "Hello World" type stuff out there.
The next place to find web space are the 'free hosters' - but they invaribaly have some sort of advertising (yuck). They also offer the "Hello World" easy-to-do-but-quickly-run-out-of-gas web page editing tools.
Tack two - making web pages

You really don't want to learn HTML (do you?), and there's a bunch of HTML tools 'out there'. I use FrontPage. It's what my employer uses and is no worse than anything else.
Tack three - getting web pages on the web

FrontPage has some built in tools to make that easier. But the hosting place must support it. Otherwise you're into the one-file-at-a-time business that works - but leads to the "There's GOT to be a better way" frustration.
Getting back to my web site project
Paying for a name

So if the ISP offers free space why use anything else? My ISP is mum about supporting something call 'virtual domain name' hosting. I'd like to have something like - but that I don't think it'll work out with my Comyuck account.
But I'm ready to drop the minimal coin for the name. (~$20/year)
Turns out that the costs for a web site with a name are only ever so slightly higher than just the name itself. So I was going to do that, but just havn't done it yet. I just need to find a company to deal with a .something that makes sense to the topic at hand. I used .org in the example above, but there's a whole bunch of others.
To check out what I've got - go to
Substituting the real names for lastname and firstname. Comyuck has naming rules such that anyone having a personal web page site - gives away their email address to the spammers willing to take the lastname and firstname and add the '' to them. :( Another reason to find a better place to host the project on something other than Comyuck.
You want to help find a host company? There's only about a million of them - and picking a 'no bozo' one is where I'm currently at.
PS - Stewart continues his trend of throwing touch down passes for both teams. Good luck Bears - you paid for him. :D


Active Member
Hey DJ,
I thought you would chime in on this thread. In the back of my head I seemed to recall that Adelphia charged for a website. Well with all of your recommendations I checked it out. This was the message that they had.
We are currently working to improve our web hosting service and regret that we are temporarily unable to fill new orders for web hosting.
What do you expect for a company that filed for bankruptcy and before that the owners of the company used it as their personal bank?
Since I have the time I will look into all of the options that you guys talked about. I would not mind paying a little scratch for a website, I just do not want to pay too much.
Tim, it is good so see that you are back. I was going to send you an e-mail to see if you are still around. I will try and e-mail you, but I think my e-mail is acting up.
DJ, I have to admit that it was nice to see Stewart not do so well. I am sure that is wrong, but Oh well. At least he did not do as bad as Kurt Warner. Now that hurt to watch. About learning HTML, yes I would like to learn as much as I can. The more knowledge that I have is better to know what I am talking about.


Active Member
Uhm yeah the Steelers - whatever!! How will it feel finishing second to the Browns??
I would suggest learning Java and Dreamweaver


What are you planning on doing in site design? Looking to do just personal sites, e-commerce sites, business sites or ??? There are many other facets to web design besides just designing the site, you should learn about optimization for getting good placement. A good or great site the can not be found is about usless. You will need to learn to optimize images, make navigation simple, etc. Copyrighting (the wording on the page) is a specialty in it self if you are good a writing.
As mentioned above, most free hosting companies have their adds attached to the pages you create. If just playing around until you learn, this is feasible. If you are going to run a business, I would recommend you get your own domain and a descent hosting company. If you have any questions, you can e-mail me at
Best wishes


Active Member
Hi Scotts,
No problem :) yes I have been away from the board for 6 weeks or so, have been on holiday for 3 weeks and being the summer holidays didnt have time to kill at university like i do now and all the time :D So now Ill be on here just as much as before in between lectures!
BTW the web address for that company is, just realised its hardly in competition with so no harm in posting it!
All the best,


Active Member
Hey all,
Thanks for all of your advice. From all of your responses I can see that there is much more to learn than I thought. Initially I just thought about making a website and have now found this is just the tip of the iceberg.
Kelly, I just want to start with a personal website, and maybe take it from there. I am also one of those people that wants to know how things work.
I got some books from the library yesterday and started reading over them yesterday. I could not put them down.
Once again thanks to all. I do not know enough now to ask any questions. However I may be e-mailing some of you in the future.


You can download free web page software from The software will need registered, but it is free. It will give you a great start on your way to learning how to design your site. I do not use it, but I did install it on my machine last week. It seems pretty good. It has a graphical environment to design the pages, or you can write your own HTML, you can also preview the pages you write in the program.
I guess I should say for free it is great!
Best wishes