How To Make Moon Lights?

ok, I just did need a 3 volt power source, some blue LED's, a soldering iron, silicone, and a way to mount them. here is how I mounted them.........about every foot or so.
by the way, that was mounted on Lexan that I bent with a #10 hole drilled in it for the bulb and superglued to the the bulb sits slightly in the water, but JUST THE BULB, NOT THE CONNECTOR!!!!!!!!! if the bulb is out of the water it causes a "beam" in the water and that wasn't the effect I wanted. in the water produces a more even sure to have a ground on your tank just incase the wiring gets submerged (even though it's low voltage), and silicone the wires after soldering
all in all it cost me about 30 bucks and 2 hours for 4 sure to look around your house for a power supply first, that was the most expensive part..........about half the total is the final result (kind of a bad pic, I borrowed a camera)
I guess it would help to tell ya that I got everything at Radio Shack............this is the tank without the lights as a refrence......