How to make overflow faster



I have an amaricle overflow but it barely sucks down water just a steady little flow... is there anyway i can make it stronger... i have a ball valve on my pump and i have it pretty much closed because it will flood the tank so i know i don't need a stronger pump.... I'm honestly not sure what its rated because i lost the book:mad: but it is a hangon... 6 1/2" long L to R.. 4" wide and 10 inches tall


Active Member
What size tank ?
What pump ?
Describe your drainline and return, and maybe we can figure it out ;)


Its a 29 gallon tank...
The overflow is a hangon type w/ a durso in there (its lagging in the syphon tube there some dead spots in there where theres no water.. i keep starting the syphon over but a couple of days later there is air holes again) ... it drains in to the refuge ill post pics below... then overflows through a bulkhead into my sump...
the hose from the overflow is the blackline.
The return is by a rio 2500.. I have a mag 9 laying around i'm just afraid to shut my system down becuase i don't want to crash it...


did you try lowering the overflow in the tank so more water will flow in? just guessing here but it will only siphon down as much as you put back in via the return.


I have overflowed my box and almost my tank at times but the air bubbles still stay in there and it doens't go any faster


Active Member
If you are getting an air pocket accumulating in the upper curve of the U tube - then you don't have enough flowrate.
But at the same time - you may not be getting enough flow because your drain line is sumberged too far down underwater in your refugium. This "may" be causing some backpressure ( for lack of a better word ) and not allowing the drain to vent and empty fast enough.
The overflow works on a principle of two different water levels.
The inner box ( tank side ) must be slighting higher than the water level in the outer box. If this condition exists - then the water will be pushed up and through the U tube by atmospheric pressure. Once the water's in the outer box - it will natually "fall" down through the drainline by gravity.
If the drainline is submerged too far underwater - this can create a situation where
1) The drain can not vent to top.
2) The water can "back-up" in the drain, again causing venting problems and making it harder for the water and air to discharge.
Try raising the end of the flex drainline up so the water discharges just at, or just barely under the water suface in your refugium.
Your 29 gallon tank measures 30x12x18.
I would guess that the Amiracle has a standard 1" diameter U tube.
Ideally - this would allow around 600-700 GPH flow.
But ..... at that rate you'd be turning over the water around 20 to 24 times an hour. This is excessive in my opinion, especially for a 29 gallon tank. It's just too much to be running to a fuge.
Ditch the idea of running the Magdrive 9.5
That pump is way too much for your set up.
Ideally ... if you're interested, I would suggest you take a different approach underneath the tank and move towards a Magdrive 7 and do some plumbing modifications.
If you placed the Mag7 in your sump, and tee'd off the return line with a tee and smaller hose - you could borrow some of the flow to feed your fuge. Allow the fuge to overflow back to the sump through the bulkhead as you are now.
Run your drainline directly to your sump.
Obviously run the main hose from this new tee on up to your tank spraybar/fitting.
Keep the ball valve on the pump, and also install a small ball valve on the new hose leading to the fuge.
Run your drainline flex in a way that allows it to vent .... meaning the open end in the sump is just at the water level in the sump ( or just slightly underwater ).
This should improve things a lot.
You can keep your Rio2500 if you want to .. although I don't care for them too much, and there have been many problems reported by those that use them.
Short term - fiddle around with repositioning the drainline you have now.
Long term - consider re-doing the plumbing underneath.
You want sufficient flow through the U tube to forced out entrapped air bubbles - or they will form the air pocket you're now seeing. This MUST be corrected or your U tube / Siphon will fail.


thanks broomer for the help.. I'm gonna play around and modify like you suggest will post back later today!


hey broomer,
well i fixed the hose going into the fuge and the flow picked up tremendously...
but it moved about a 3 x 2 x 2 part of my sandbed with the increased flow... how much of a problem do you think that will cause with nitrites and ammonia?????? :mad:
I'm going to check all my levels first thing tommorow after i know all the sand is done being moved!
all in all I pry have 50 - 60 gallons of water through the whole system


well actually I got to nervous and couldn't wait... everything looks like its settled...
ammonia = 0
nitrites = 0
nitrates = 15 ~~> which is pretty normal for my tank when I'm getting ready to do water changes.... which one will be tommorow of 5 gallons..