How to move tank

kevin mcrae

I am buying a 10 gallon nano. Sand, live rock, corals and fish, inverts, etc.
I live about 1 hour away from the guy selling. I have had no problem moving fish in bags at this distance.
Whats the best way to do this?
I was thinking about half emptying the tank, brining the 5 gallon pail full of tank water home. Leaving the rock, sand, fish in the 10 gallon.
Let me know what you would do.


I think that would work out pretty good. Beings how the tank is so small. When I moved my 110 over to my moms house I bought some styro foam coolers to put my big oscars in and alot of 5 gallon buckets to put all the water and rock in. So I think your idea will work out fine.


Active Member
That will work, just try to keep enough water in the tank to keep the lr covered.