How to order live game fish (bass, bluegill etc)


hey guys
i have a 1 acre retention pond in my backyard that would be great if I could use for fishing
in th epond now are only perch
i have no idea how they got there..... (any ideas?)
my question is do any of you know of any service (beside going thru the state)...where i can order live juvenile small mouth bass and blue gills for stocking purposes?
is this illegal?


We have 2 ponds at my grandparents place. We just stocked them ourselves - go fishing and bring your catch home and put them in. They spawn quickly and within a couple years you've got a ton of fish.


a local fish store in my area sells blue gill and perch. But I would just catch them and put them in the pond.


stock em your self or make friends with some kids and tell em ~1$/fish and you'll have people beeting your door down with coolers full...just be carefull. make sure the water your stocking them into is safe...have the water tested. it's cheep.


Active Member
Originally Posted by The J.O.P.
one of my LFS sells seacock bass!!! i would love to stock a pond with them.
Oh yeah!! same here!!!!!


Active Member
It is possible the perch got there through the feet of birds. Birds land in the water, or walk or swim etc., they step in fish egss and the eggs attach to the feet. Then when the birds fly to another area, like you're pond, the eggs fall off and hatch. Perch are voraciouse eaters, so make sure anything you stock it with can survive them, basicly big enough to not get eaten. Look in the yellow pages for fish hatcheries, pond stocking etc. If you own the pond, in our state anyways, you can stock it with whatever you want, that is a native fish anyways. Here I believe the fish and game will stock it for you for cheap if not free, but they have stipulations, not sure exactly what they are though :notsure:


Active Member
Originally Posted by wattsupdoc
It is possible the perch got there through the feet of birds. Birds land in the water, or walk or swim etc., they step in fish egss and the eggs attach to the feet. Then when the birds fly to another area, like you're pond, the eggs fall off and hatch. Perch are voraciouse eaters, so make sure anything you stock it with can survive them, basicly big enough to not get eaten. Look in the yellow pages for fish hatcheries, pond stocking etc. If you own the pond, in our state anyways, you can stock it with whatever you want, that is a native fish anyways. Here I believe the fish and game will stock it for you for cheap if not free, but they have stipulations, not sure exactly what they are though :notsure:

they are the damsels of freshwater, and correct on the eggs.