How to post a pic?


How do you post a pic? I thought I attached one to an earlier reply but I don't see it. Thanks for any help.


Active Member
do you have infanview if not download it if you do a search someone had posted the link to do this then push image and resize the picture to 500


Active Member
After you hit reply, look for "manage attachments" and then you can browse your already downsized pics. (500x500) Choose it, upload it, submit reply and badda bing there ya go. HTH


Originally Posted by sweetdawn
do you have infanview if not download it if you do a search someone had posted the link to do this then push image and resize the picture to 500
it's IRFANVIEW.... and yes, it's good, but if you happen to have a microsoft office suite then there's already a photo manager in there... that's what i use now and it's super easy to use...