How to properly add garlic to home made food?

So I read a few articles about how to make your own fish food using fresh seafood items from the store. I plan on making an attempt at making it this evening. But i'm still confused on one issue the use of garlic in it? How would you place it into the mixture? Is it ok to freeze it or does it lose it's value after being frozen? Can you use a garlic powder or is a piece of fresh garlic a must?


Active Member
I don't use much garlic at all. I only use 1 clove per batch. I mince it and mash it on a plate so I don't lose the juice and throw it in with the seafood to be processed/blended.
Originally Posted by earlybird
I don't use much garlic at all. I only use 1 clove per batch. I mince it and mash it on a plate so I don't lose the juice and throw it in with the seafood to be processed/blended.
So how much is a clove what unit of measurement is that? I know i'm an idiot. obviously i don't do to much cooking.


Originally Posted by Pimpin Chirp
So how much is a clove what unit of measurement is that? I know i'm an idiot. obviously i don't do to much cooking.

When you go to the market the thing about the size of a smaller onion wrapped in onion-like skin is a bulb of garlic. As you remove the outer skin you'll find 8-18 marble sized cloves, and they're individually wrapped!
Don't feel badly, when I first started cooking a recipe called for three cloves of garlic so I added three entire bulbs (maybe 30-32 cloves)! My guests called it the best garlic chicken they'd ever had.


Active Member
I just use Kent's liquid "Garlic Xtreme".
Fresh garlic is reported to lose it's medicinal value fairly quickly so I don't know of any benefit using fresh garlic to then freeze.


Active Member
I use that as well, but its funny how so many people here say the exact contrary that X-Treme has no nutritional value and that garlic loses its potency when stored and bottled..


Active Member
Originally Posted by MiaHeatLvr
I use that as well, but its funny how so many people here say the exact contrary that X-Treme has no nutritional value and that garlic loses its potency when stored and bottled..
I don't think it has any nutritional value, but I know it works as a feeding stimulant. I've used it successfully to get picky eaters to eat. So I mix it with my homemade food for them.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
Garlic exteme is only a flavor additive. Beth posted a link that has the medicinal uses of fresh garlic.
Exactly. Beth's spot on when it comes to treating medically. That said, you can't really prepare frozen foods with that in mind. So I find the liquid easier.


Active Member
God that garlic ex stinks. The whole apartment, I add it to my food outside when needed. 32 cloves of garlic? That would raise the dead and grow hair on anyones chest.