How To Raise Salt Level?


I need to raise my salt level up to 1.025 for my Inverts..Right now its at 1.022. I have fish in there that are doin very well at this salt level..But not my Inverts..So how could I raise it up as far as adding salt to the aquarium? Should I just mix some salt in a cup of RO water every few days until it is at 1.025? Dont want my fish to get a shock from it


You want to raise it via water changes. Have a batch of saltwater mixed. How are your nitrates? If you need to do changes anyway, then just raise it with changes. If not, then use a bit of your tank water to mix with new saltwater (pre-mixed). It should go slowly. take a week to do it.


Active Member
I've found that the easiest way to raise salinity gradually is to simply top off with prepared saltwater instead of fresh until your salinity is where you want it.


Originally Posted by uberlink
I've found that the easiest way to raise salinity gradually is to simply top off with prepared saltwater instead of fresh until your salinity is where you want it.
That will work as well.