How To Rid Apstasia?


Active Member
Hey Guys,
Wll the other thread scared me frankly and I have 3 bits of apstasia in my tank which I want to get rid of asap and with minimum disruption, whats the best way to do it? I have tried calcium and hot water and they dont seem to work, any more bright ideas?
Cheers with the hunting tips! :p
Tim :D


Active Member
Biological removers of this parasitic anemone including Coperbanded butterflyfish and as far as i remember Peppermint shrimp. Kalkwasser injection is another method.


Active Member
Peppermint shrimp, from what i heard, is used to feed on Aiptasia. But i know for sure about Copperbanded Butterflyfish.


I have never failed to kill that occassional aptasia with the turkey baster,boiling water method. It's been 100% effective (for me).


Active Member
ive used peppermint shrimp to control aiptasia in my tank with great success. i have 4 of them in a 20 galllon tank, and they quickly gobbled all of the little fellas up. i have also use kalk paste with great success, and by either directlyinjecting them with a hypodermic needle or by covering them in it, it seems to do the trick as well!
good luck


Active Member
OK great will try and invest in a peppermint shrimp, any thoughts on their keeping/needs or more importantly compatibility with other fish/corals?
All the best,
Tim :cool:


I bought a piece of LR with a aptasia on it and used a hypodermic needle. It took me something like 7 times to kill the damn thing but my persistence paid off. For the first 6 times I did not realize the aptasia was retracting behind a clam shell and so the needle was not getting it. I dug out the clam shell and wackita dead meat. Just at it with the calcium cocktail.


I'm with you Gold, I have injected a few with hot water, it has to be boiling, and then unload on it, worked for me, then the Pep shrimps will start to eat them.