How To Set Up A PhosBan Reactor


Im planning on getting one of these. Im dont know nothing about settin on up. Does it go into a sump? Is it set up indivigualy? Do need to do plumbing for it? How much pumps does a reactor system need? A diagram or pic would be SWEET!
PhosBan Reactor 150
The Two Little Fishies PhosBan Reactor 150 is designed with the upflow principle to achieve the most efficient use of Phosban or other chemical filter media. By pushing water from the bottom upward through a dispersion plate, it forces an even distribution of water through the media, and prevents channeling.
New twist off lid for easy media replacement!
New elbow attachments can be rotated or removed to suit your installation.
Can be installed as hang-on, in-line, in-sump, above tank, etc.
Approximately 14.75"" tall with a 4.5"" Footprint.
Normal operation with 130 grams (250ml) to 200 grams (385 ml) of PhosBan, filling up to 1/2 the column.
One reactor is designed for up to 150 gallons.
Recommended flow rate: 20-30 gph for 130 grams PhosBan, 30-40 gph for 200 grams.
Use with any granular chemical media, including HydroCarbon 2 Activated carbon or ROWAphos.
Tubing and pump NOT included; uses 1/2"" I.D. vinyl tubing


Active Member
You can hang it on the side of your sump or your display tank. I have mine on the back of my display. Get some 1/2" inside diameter black tubing to hook it up and for a pump try to keep the flow low around 20 GPH, it does come with a valve to throttle flow incase your pump is too big.


Okay here a quick diagram i started can u guys could u guys tell me where the water enters and exits and if you would please drew the Plubing


Active Member
I don't know about drawing but here is a picture. one hose comes from my powerhead in my sump and on hose returns right into the tank.


thats for the pic even beter then i diagram. What powerhead are u useing and also what is the hose dia. 1/3 3/4. So just to double check u have a hose coming in from the sump powered by a power head and then just a hose droping the out coming water into the tank. So it enters and exits threw the top.
And what is all that substrate in there for and what do u load into one of these i know the special media.


Active Member
I don't really know what kind of powerhead it is, probably similar to a maxijet 1200, or you could just tap it off of your return pump and use the valve it comes with to throttle the flow down. And yes I have the return just flowing down from the top into the back of my display, they flow is so low that it doesn't cause problem.
In my reactor I have PhoSar (pretty much the same as Phosban) and seachem Renew (basically a carbon substitute)


another ? are these reactors efficent and how exacly does it operate. I know that the water comes in then water with less phosphate comes out. How does it filter it. High Presure? or does the speceil media eat the phosphate. BTW thanks for the pic and explanation


Active Member
The media is what soaks up the phosphate, its an iron based product that absorbs the phosphate. The reactor just works as a way to give the media maximum exposure to the water. Water comes in the top and goes down a clear tube in the center, at the bottom it spreads out and flows up through the reactor through all the media and comes out the top again. This makes it work much better than just putting the phophate media in a bag because water flows through it, and it works better then most canister filters because there is no chance the water can flow around the media since the whole tube is full of the media.
Also it is nice because you can put several months worth of the media inside it and it will keep you water nice and clean.