how to set up a QT


I need to set up a QT tank . Whats the best thing to do ? I have a trigger thats got signs of Marine velvet or ich. I have a 125 gal tank and do not want to lose everything . I do have old filters and heaters to start the QT tank . What needs to be in the tank to start thats my ? LS ? lower the salt ? water RO ? just take the water from the main tank ? Any help please Thanks


Active Member
Ideally QT tanks are set up before you use them to have them "cycled". So you might want to leave this one set up after you are done.
*Put something on the outside of the bottom and 3 sides of the QT tank to darken it. (keeps fish calmer... good for sick fish).
*Don't put live sand, rocks, etc. You want to be able to thoroughly clean,disinfect anything you use... pvc pipe joints work great for cover for the fish and clean well. Make sure you have adequate water flow... but it doesn't have to be near what your display has.
*if your fish got sick in your display tank I wouldn't use display water. Mix up a new batch and keep water mixed and handy for frequent water changes (your ammonia is going to be an issue you need to watch in a newly established QT tank)


Active Member
Absolutely. good luck. The disease forum should be able to walk you through diagnosing and treating.
Good luck!


Active Member
Sorry I don't mean to steal the thread, but I was also going to set up a QT tank and some questions.
1. would a 10 gal tank be ok
2. do you need lighting
thanks in advance,