How to start a sump


New Member
Okay, I got my sump system with overflow box...and a u-tube that goes between the tank box and the back box...I am assmebling to day and assume I put sufficient water in the tank to getr to overflow...then fill sump box do I start it? Do i sart a syphon in the u tube and plug in the sump? Help...I dont need a mess right away...


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Kimnrob http:///t/391106/how-to-start-a-sump#post_3466901
Okay, I got my sump system with overflow box...and a u-tube that goes between the tank box and the back box...I am assmebling to day and assume I put sufficient water in the tank to getr to overflow...then fill sump box do I start it? Do i sart a syphon in the u tube and plug in the sump? Help...I dont need a mess right away...
Put all the pumps on a single power strip...Fill the top tank and the U tube so it is primed. Add enough saltwater to the return section of your sump to cover the pump and an extra 1 inch above it....have water on hand and turn on the power strip...keep adding water to the sump to keep the pump covered, plus 1 inch....when the water stops going down to expose the pump they have equaled out...stop adding water.
If the U tube isn't working you can shut everything off with the power strip before the tank floods.
Once the system is shut it down, and watch to see what will happen in a power failure...(the return line should have a small hole so it will break the siphon). Look and see where the water settles, then add you saltwater accordingly so that when power shuts off the sump does not overflow. Turn your power back on and it should resume...keep the power strip close by to shut it all down in the event of problems at start-up
Hope this helps.