How to Stock Corals in My Nano


I have a Nano6 and I feel that I am ready to start adding corals. With the standard lighting what would be my best bets for the first additions? I hope to add 3 different kinds right off the bat. :happyfish


Active Member
what lighting do u have? if u just have a little low wattage bulb than dont get corals till u have good lights.


Active Member
I would start off with some shrooms or zoos...Maybe some easy LPS...I would start with something simple.


I have the standard lighting that comes in the Nano6, not sure of the exact specs, maybe someone can fill me in their as well.


LPS-Large polyped stony corals. Also everybody I know that got a nanocube said that you need a more powerful powerhead than the one it comes with.


The Nano Cube 6 has 18w of PC lighting. I would stick with only zoos, and mushrooms. Maybe some low light Soft Corals. I would stay away from LPS corals


New Member
I also have a nano 6. Ive had it a month and added a randalls goby and tiger pistol shrimp.
I have put in one zoo frag a green brain coral and one mushroom polyp. They both are doing fine. I am going to add pulsating xenia 2 more frags of zoos and some candy coral.
Will this be over crowding too fast?


Originally Posted by doveshaq
I also have a nano 6. Ive had it a month and added a randalls goby and tiger pistol shrimp.
I have put in one zoo frag a green brain coral and one mushroom polyp. They both are doing fine. I am going to add pulsating xenia 2 more frags of zoos and some candy coral.
Will this be over crowding too fast?

Just like fish....i think it is better to introduce coral slowly and not all at once especially in a tank that small where things can go wrong real fast. JMO


New Member
no, i have not added a powerhead, nor done any mods. I think i should add them slowly. Its just hard to pay for shipping on every one of them and not get the group rate.
Question???? Im thinking about using purple up since i have heard good things. Do you all recomend this?