How to take good photos?

I have noticed that everyones photos are great. I'm not sure why mine aren't as clear. I have a sony digital cybershot 5 pix. Many of the pics I see look like they have been shot under water. Any tips on taking good photos. Thanks for the help.


I had the same trouble too, I still dont do it alot, but did you try turning off the lights in the room and leaving the tank lights on? Seemed to work a bit better for me. If you have tried that, then you can consider this as a ~bump~
No, I have not tried pics with the lights off. Good idea. One of my problems is that I can't zoom in close enough. The image get blurry. There must be a function on the camera to allow for close ups. For example, the pics posted of corals. Could that be a special lens.


On my camera there is a button of a mountain (meaning far off distance) and there is a picture of a flower (meaning close up). So you obviously want the close up button, which if your camera is newer than it most definately has it.


do you know how close the camera can be before it cant focus? you may be too close to the subject, and the camera is not focusing all the way...