How to tell difference between bad anemones and Coral?


I have there structures that looks like hammer coral (the inside skeleton), but much much shorter and I am on a Manajano / Aitipsia rampage and I've killed the things in these 3 times now and it keeps growing back.
Now Im starting to wonder if this is a aitipisa or if this really is coral? Is here any way to tell the difference for a new person to the hobby?


Active Member
Look at a lot of pictures. Anemones don't have a skeletal base.. so if you're trying to kill something that has a skeleton... it's not going to be aptasia.


Spanko, I know what a manajano and a aiptasia look like. But I have a skeletal base that LOOKS kinda like a hammer coral as an example, but the actual tentacles look like aiptasia.
Maybe I wasnt clear enough in my first post.


After some more research on google typing in things like "clear coral" and "rock coral" etc etc I found out what I have. I feel bad for killing these things
, but I am happy that it is growing back.

I guess it is hard for a n00b to tell the difference as you can see below.
Cup Coral:


Here is a good shot of the skeletal structure I have:

Mine has 3 or 4 of these.


Active Member
Posting that picture from the beginning would have helped tremendously. Yup those are hidden cup coral Phyllangia americana


Correct it is not, BUT I have 3-5 of those skeletal looking things that I all thought Aitipsia was growing in and killed all of them.

Hoping they will all come back soon


Originally Posted by cableguy
Correct it is not, BUT I have 3-5 of those skeletal looking things that I all thought Aitipsia was growing in and killed all of them.

Hoping they will all come back soon

Ouch! I hope they grow back and dont hold a grudge!


Active Member
Bad anemones curse a lot, lie and do drugs ... coral smile, are polite and are pretty!!

I think your question has already been answer so I am just fooling around.