how to tell if male or female


Hi, I was wanting to know if anyone could tell me how you can tell if you have a male or female percula clown. Thank you


Active Member
Clowns are born hemaphoradites (both sexes). What they develop into depends on their situation.
If there is only one in the tank, it will be female.
If there is two of them, one will establish dominance and become female. Then the other one will develop into a male. Should the female die, the male will then change into a female and, ideally, a new juvenile will enter the picture and develop into a male.
Females will never change into a male. Two females will also not get along with one another in the same tank.
Hope this helps!


New Member
:notsure: Females will never change into males????? From what I have read, the largest of the percs will take on the role of does that mean if a larger perc is added to the tank, it will naturally be female, but the original female will remain female....good lord, I am screwing up.



Originally posted by angiguider
:notsure: Females will never change into males????? From what I have read, the largest of the percs will take on the role of does that mean if a larger perc is added to the tank, it will naturally be female, but the original female will remain female....good lord, I am screwing up.

yes, exactly - this is why every post on pairing clowns tells you to always add a much smaller clown than the first one, so you don't risk having 2 females.