How to tell the difference between clarkii and sebae


I have a question, I've seen pictures of a clarkii/ sebae clownfish. Are they different, because I've seen different pictures. On the website there are two different pictures, the first one is the one in the Fish Species, the clownfish has two stripes, black body and brown mouth and tail. On the online store it's brown and small. Is it different because of the age difference? The black one is adult and the small one is juvenile? Please help... because I'm planning to buy one from the online store but I want the black body one. I just don't want to buy the wrong one.


Most of the fish you see at the lfs are clarkii's. They are often mislabeled as sebae's. Sebae's are much darker, almost a rich brown, especially when they get older. A good lfs should be able to get you one.