How to treat HLLE?


Our tang has HLLE and we have been looking up how to treat it without many results. We put seawood salad in there but it seems to scare the fish more than appeal to them. We tried putting in it numerous places, currently, it is sunken at the bottom, yet the seawood is still moving in the current which scares the fishes even more. Any ideas? Is there any specific medications we should get, or better greens that won't scare our fish? Please help asap.
-Paul and Alexis


Active Member
There are lots of unproven treatments. Here's the ones that are most likely to get your fish into remission.
1) Improve water quality. HLLE is the one disease that seems to occur more commonly with high nitrAtes. You may have to do a water change or remove a fish.
2) Improve the diet - If veggies have not been a large part of the fish's diet, it make take them some time to get used to the nori. I would soak the nori in garlic to encourage them to try eating it. I would also soak the dried seaweed in Zoecon, which is a marine fish fat emulsion which seems to have some effect on this disease.
3) Get a grounding probe. If your powerheads, heater, etc are leaking stray voltage, HLLE seems to be accelerated.


once it starts, very rarely can you reverse it. Lot's of vitamin c(selecon or zoecon) and water changes may help. What size tank do you have? I've found smaller tanks cramp tangs and accelerate the onset of HLLE. Def. get a grounding probe and make sure your water quality is good. You may want to revert to RO water if you're not using it already. My experience has been that the Zebrasoma family is most prone to HLLE-only b/c I've lost 4 tangs to HLLE that where of the family.