How toxic are reef inhabitants?


How does one find out how toxic something is? I was stung by my hammer a number of weeks ago and I still have a mark and occassionally it will itch. Do they have toxins that will enter the blood stream? If so, could it harm a fetus?


Active Member
My husband has been stung by our hammer on various occasions and hasn't had much of a problem, however he's not pregnant. Just to be safe I'd let your OBGYN know if you're still having problems with it several weeks later ...just to be safe.


I am sad to say that last week the pregnancy did end in a miscarriage. At seven weeks they did not find a heart beat. As we search for answers as to why, it occured to me that I should consider the possibility, especially if we decided to try again. We may not ever find the reason but if this could have been the reason it would serve as a warning to women who may be pregnant.


Active Member
the same thing happened to us on our first go around. Without the hammer sting. No reason, just happened. We now have 2 woderful kids 9 and 7. When you are ready go for it again.


Thanks:( I have four great kids. It might be as simple as I am just too old. (Who wants to admit that?) It still makes me curious though especially knowing about the baby who got West Nile before they were born. It's a wonder any of us turn out. I will let you know what the OB/GYN says.


My prayers are with you Spyder that you and your family can get through this tough time. I'm sure with the great family it sounds like you have you will make it through ok.