How Upsetting... Monti Cap suddenly started flaking


Active Member
I posted a thread a few days ago showing an awesome picture of my purple tip monti cap in front of a anemone.
anyway, this morning i was looking, as always, and thought there was sand or something and went to blow it off with a turkey baster and 1/4" of the monti's flesh blew off. i believe it was like that for about 3 days, the "sand" theroy, that is.
so i don't know what but it could have been the anemone but where most of the die off is on the opposite side where the anemone is. it looks as though it is going to completly die in the next day or so.. is there anything i can do to save it?
paramaters are fine, didn't move it or anything other than adding some blue acintics. but i have a feeling it was infected before this.
any help or suggestions would be great. That was my favorite piece and thought is was really healthy... i hope this isn't a sign of whats to come.


New Member
sorry to hear about the monti. You might want to inspect the coral. There's currently a HUGE problem with monti eating nudi's coming from collection sites, wholesalers, and retail stores. I don't know if your tank is infected, but that is the first thing that came to my mind. The monti eating nudi's are white and about 1/2 cm in length. They are usually hiding underneath the monti during the day and on top of the monti at night. There is not much you can do to rid the nudi's besides manual removal. Some people would dip the coral in strong iodine concentration to weaken the nudi's, then blast them off with a baster, but this may kill the coral. Again, I am only assuming and I don't know whether this is a problem for you. However, I does not hurt to check. I hope this help. Good Luck and keep us updated!


could you perhaps move the monti away from the nem and to another place in the tank where there is no chance of anything stining/pestering it? Goodluck hey and when you lift it just check if there is anythin chowing it from the bottom.


Active Member
I really hope, in an odd way, that the anemone did sting and kill, as opposed to something wrong with my water qaulity/lighting/water movement. for piece of mind, thats what i am going to say the culpret is.


All of my monti's started flaking at the same time and everybody suggested nudi's. After a thourough search, and none turned up, I decided to check my water params. I don't do that often since my tank is fairly stable. Yeah, well, not this time! Calcium was 10ppm. Yep, not a typo...ten! Guess the jug ran out. Anyway, I raised it over the next several days and the monti's all healed over. could be your calcium level.
And don't rule out RTN. Not so common in monti's, but it does happen.


Active Member
i usually checkparameters every 5 days or so, meaning, cal/alk/trate/salanity.
Checked cal and alk tonight
alk- 3.0 meg
my calcium was actually around 470 for a good week or so and am slowly brining it down. i am thinking its the anemone. that was an awesome piece.