How/What to feed anenomes


New Member
Hello, I have a quick question. I recently bought a bubble tip anenome. It seems to be doing well, my tomato clown has taken well to him. I as just wondering what I am supposed to feed the anenome. My friend told me to use DT's Photoplankton, but then I hear people feed them shrimp directly to their mouths. What do I do, and what is the best way to feed them?


pieces of market shrimp,fish,brine shrimp. about 1 or 2 times weekly. its what i do and all my anenomies are fine. :)


New Member
how exactly do you feed them? My anenome is on a rock sideways, so I cant just drop food in his mouth. I tried squirting it in with a turkey baster, it worked, but it also made the anenome close up because of the water blast. plaese help.